Micro-interactions and micro-animations

Micro-interactions and micro-animations

Stiven Castillo
July 03, 2023

An app may be beneficial to the user, but without a great UX and UI design, the user may dismiss it. So, how do we attract users to use our applications? How can we make our app stand out from the crowd? One method would be to include micro-animations and micro-interactions. There is a subtle distinction between micro-interactions and micro-animations. Micro-interactions begin with a trigger and progress to a set of instructions represented visually through animations. The visual output of the micro-interaction is the animation.

These micro-animations are individual product moments designed to accomplish a single task while improving the natural product flow. Micro-animations include things like swiping up to refresh data, liking content and changing settings. They can also include simple user interface animations, such as how a menu slides in when tapped or a card glides off the screen when swiped. 


The following are some of the primary benefits of incorporating micro-interactions into a product:

  • Provide feedback on the outcome of an action,
  • Complete a small task,
  • Increase the feeling of direct manipulation,
  • Assist users in seeing the outcome of their actions, and
  • Avoiding user errors.