Prototype Partten

It focuses on creating objects by copying or cloning existing objects

Stiven Castillo
August 16, 2023

It focuses on creating objects by copying or cloning existing objects, rather than creating new objects from scratch.

It allows you to create new instances of a class by using a prototype object as a blueprint. This pattern is particularly useful when the cost of creating a new object is expensive in terms of time or resources.

The key idea behind the Prototype Design Pattern is that you create a prototype object that serves as a template for creating new objects. This prototype object contains the initial state and behavior of the objects you want to create. Instead of instantiating a new object using a constructor, you clone the prototype object and then modify its properties as needed.

// Prototype (template) object
const carPrototype = {
  wheels: 4,
  color: 'black',
  clone() {
    return Object.create(this);

// Create new instances by cloning the prototype
const car1 = carPrototype.clone();
car1.color = 'red';

const car2 = carPrototype.clone();
car2.color = 'blue';

console.log(car1); // { wheels: 4, color: 'red', clone: [Function] }
console.log(car2); // { wheels: 4, color: 'blue', clone: [Function] }