Stop using useMemo

this approach only causes bad readability and increased memory usage.

Stiven Castillo
June 08, 2023

Stop using useMemo

this approach only causes bad readability and increased memory usage.

One more important thing to keep in mind is that useMemo brings value only in rerender phase. During its initialization, memoization slows down the application and this effect has a tendency to stack up. That’s what I meant by saying “memoization doesn’t come for free”.

Avoid using useMemo in these scenarios:

  • The calculation you’re trying to optimize is cheap. In these cases, the overhead of using useMemo would outweigh the benefits
  • When you’re not sure if you need memoization. It is better to start without it and then incorporate optimizations gradually into your code as problems occur
  • The value you’re memoizing is not passed down into components. If the value is used only in JSX and isn’t passed deeper into a component tree, most of the time you can avoid optimizations. There is no need to remember its reference as it doesn’t influence other component’s re-render
  • The dependency array changes too frequently. In this case, useMemo will not give any performance benefits as it recalculates all we time